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Bernard’s Christmas Blog

Updated: Dec 21, 2024

Yuletide Greetings! 

Ho Ho Ho - here we are at the end of another year. We round the year off by celebrating Christmas. The Inland Revenue celebrate Christmas by making sure they are sending out further payments they say are due - they have made these up in the back room so they can irritate us over the Festive Period!

So what was 2024 like as a year?

We had an election and it made absolutely no difference that Kier Starmer had taken over - we did hear that good old Kier was going to solve the Dental Crisis and the feeling across the Profession was upbeat especially with the Labour Party statement which was “ HAVE NO FEAR KIER IS HERE” Kier’s reaction to the NHS Dental crisis however was to promote supervised Toothbrushing - OK, laudable idea but it is happening anyway! Wake up Kier we need to scrap the old contract and start again!

It does take me back to the situation which existed shortly after 2006 when the current contract came into place and immediately plunged NHS Dentistry into crisis. Shortly after the establishment of the rubbish contract the Steele review set about working through it and making some recommendations around phased treatment. What happened after that was that everyone welcomed the idea and then the powers that be simply forgot about it (on purpose).

We have now turned full circle again into the abyss where we find NHS Dentistry.

So let’s move on!

Currently we have the establishment of the Integrated Care Boards who have the opportunity to support local Dental Services which address local needs based on robust Needs Assessments. We are still working this through with our ICB colleagues and hope that the funding will follow! It does feel that this activity at our ICB is close to home and not buried in sand at the centre - at the moment!!

Our current position is that we are driving the Integration Agenda where by the “Four Pillars” of Healthcare ie Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and Optom will work jointly to deliver Healthcare collectively and not in isolation from each other. I can say with personal experience from being involved in Fleetwood PCN at the beginning that it does work and improves patient care whilst improving the opportunities for Healthcare Staff to broaden their horizons. Sounds a great concept but who knows how it will pan out - we can only keep banging the Dental Drum and keep our fingers crossed. The LDC Executive have close relations with the ICB and are being consulted in many developments to enable us to give grass roots opinions.

The year which is now coming to an end has been the busiest year I have ever known and I have been in the LDC arena for 30 years. The current LDC workload is colossal and the whole Team at the Exec have pulled together to keep the boat afloat. Comms is high on our agenda and ensuring that in our negotiations with our ICB we are listened to and able to give a useful contribution is an essential part of modern day LDC strategy.

Don’t forget if you need anything we are only an email away. I always have my ipad with me 24/7/365 including holidays!

Practitioner Support

Also we have been busy merging our Dental Practitioner Advice and Support Scheme (DPASS) with Cheshire Merseyside and Greater Manchester to mirror NHSE Professional Standards doing the same thing so we have one combined service which will be extremely active in supporting any of our Practitioners who need help.

For those of you that are unsure as to what happens with DPASS it is quite simple. If a Practitioner comes under the attention of one of the Regulatory Bodies (NHSE/GDC/CQC ) and the outcome is that the Practitioner has Shortcomings (as identified by the Regulatory Body) then DPASS will support the Practitioner in developing a Remedial Action Plan, and ensuring appropriate CPD is undertaken including Reflection. All of this is documented in what is called an Educational Prescription which is signed off by both the Practitioner and the DPASS lead, prior to being sent over to the Regulatory Body. This will demonstrate compliance on the part of the Practitioner in order to get the case closed. As LASC DPASS Lead I will be renewing information on DPASS on the website in the New Year, so do have a look. 


Talking of Cumbria, Mrs A and myself do get up to the Lakes quite often where the atmosphere is tranquil and relaxing. One of the cottages where we stay is in a little hamlet called Thornthwaite just outside Keswick.The cottage overlooks Bassenthwaite and is a popular spot for many people who just want to enjoy the peace, quiet, and spectacular scenery. On the first day of the holiday this October we were wandering down by Bassenthwaite, taking in the ambiance and the scenery. There were not many people around which again added to the tranquility. The ambiance however was changed when we were joined by the RAF flying a Typhoon at about 500 ft over Derwentwater and then on to Bassenthwaite. The noise was deafening and we were glad when it had flown past, however to follow was a further Typhoon flying even lower and even louder - just another day at the office for these guys - I am glad they are on our side!

Just one more thing...

The Blog would not be the same without mention of the Cardboard Kings (Amazon for the uninitiated). The Festive Period is a great time for them, as they will be able to overprescribe tons and tons of cardboard boxes and bags to their customers. Amazon’s speciality is to put small items in massive boxes and pack it round with yet more cardboard in order to enhance the Yuletide experience - oh well at least the tip is not far away!

Enough of the Cardboard Kings what about the endless Christmas cheer that comes in our direction? In this period of goodwill to all men I think the GDC should at least send us a card saying “Have a good Christmas Break, but don’t forget to record everything in your notes.!"

Before we know it we will have said goodbye to 2024 and hello to 2025. New Year, new approach, new opportunities, new …….same damn contract!

Ah well let’s put it all away and have a blast in 2025!

From myself, and the rest of the LASC LDC Team do have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year!

Cheers All,



Secretary LASC LDC Executive

Secretary Coastal and S Cumbria LDC


Chair LASC LDC Retention and Recruitment Group

Chair LASC Workforce Group

Network Lead LASC Oral Health Improvement Network



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