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Noel Bowen

Noel’s Political Update: is change proving too "Laborious" for the government?

As we hurtle towards a new year we, in NHS dentistry face the sobering reality that change is still a pipe dream. But don't let this get you down.


We all know the NHS dental contract is broken, it is failing patients and the profession. We all know it needs fundamental reform and it appears that our government, now the election is over and there is no pressure for votes, are kicking it into the long grass yet again - so what are we going to do about it?

Well, firstly your LDC have actively been contacting all the Labour MPs in LASC to get them up to speed with the crisis. Over half of our local MPs are brand new, so will have no idea what the dental contract is, let alone how it is broken. We have actively contacted these MPs and outlined the exact problems and how this is impacting us.


In November, we met virtually with some of these MPs to go through these issues, much like we have done previously with former government, and we will continue to apply pressure about this issue. However, I feel that we also need to see our local MPs face to face and I would encourage everyone to contact their MP and try to arrange a meeting with them.


We have created a framework (or simple script/guide) to help you if you want, but of course if you feel there are things we have missed please feel free to tell your MP.


HOWEVER, if you are going to meet your MP please bear this in mind:


When they say - "Ok, well I understand it is broken but what should we put in its place" please tread carefully!


My advice:

"Well, it's not my place to tell you want I want. After all, if you gave me a blank cheque I would want the earth for my patients. Instead, dear MP, the real question is what are you prepared to fund?"


After all, we need to remind the government that NHS dentistry has an identity crisis. It has only ever had enough money to cover 50% of the population. So the real question to ask them is:

"Do you want to give everyone a little bit eg. exam, diagnosis and toothache cover for the whole population, similar to the opticians model?"


"Do you want to give a select group of people everything (under 25s and those on benefits and everyone else is left to fend for themselves)?"

"What do you want to provide and fund AND more importantly are you going to tell the voters this compromise?”


This new year we need to find new resolve to push for change. After all, sitting "in the shadows", moaning at the headlines is simply not working. Let moan to the faces of our MPs; trust me things may not change but it is incredibly cathartic!



Noel Bowen,

LASC LDC Political Lead

East Lancashire LDC Treasurer


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